Tuesday 2 July 2013

EDE303/201306 - MIDTERM Guidelines

MIDTERM(10%) covers chapter 1-5 (closed-book)
Will be conducted on 3/07/2013
Time allocation 1 hour and 30 minutes

3 sections:-
Section A - 10 multiple choice question (20 marks)
Section B - 4 Short questions (40 marks)
Section C - 3 long questions (40 marks)

Go through ALL slides chapter 1-5(MCQ)
Slides chapter 2, slide no.32 (Hexadecimal conversion)
Slides chapter 4, slide no.4, 5 (Boolean addition and Boolean multiplication)
Slides chapter 4, slide no.7, 9,10,11,12 (Associative Law, Rules of Boolean Algebra)
Slides chapter 5, slide no. 4,5 (Simplification by means of Karnaugh Map)

Refer Quiz 1
Recall last class discussion:-
Drawing combinational logic function
Simplification by means of Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Map

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