Sunday, 23 December 2012

If I could turn back time -2

If I could turn back time, I will change into a better person. I will choose a friend that who has intelligent in himself. I also will stop smoking because now then I realise that smoking is wasting money. In 10 years time, if I don't smoke I'll probably get rich. I also will study hard for my SPM so that I will not get into this college. 

My dream is ruin by myself. I always dream of going to UITM (Universiti teknologi Mara). How could I know what is in the future. There's no use to regret now. I never thought I could like this nowadays. Indeed let bygones be bygones, I'm living my life now in peace.

-CICT's student confession 2

If I could turn back time -1

If I could turn back time, I will change my life into a better person. I will not make friends with those bad people. It would make me a better person and I would not be so naughty  as I am now. I will not make a bad things at school so that my parents would not have come to school and settle my problem with my discipline teacher. I would not escape my class so that my exam results would be more excellent. 

Other than that, I will not make my mother sad because of my attitude. I could make my mother more proud of and I could make her happy. I will show her that I could be  a better person as I am now. I will not start smoking cigarette because I know now it addicting me and I cannot stop it. I will not start drinking alcohol and doing all sort of bad things. Indeed, if I could turn back time, I will totally change my life  into a better person.

- CICT's student confession 1

Friday, 7 December 2012

EDE303/20129 - Incomplete Assesments

Figure below shows the status of your assessments:-

EDE303 Incomplete Assessments

Following students are required to take extra test (10%).
  1. Adrian Gerald Lok (Quiz 1)
  2. Azade Sahibu (Lab test)
  3. Darryn Hong (Quiz 2)
  4. Khyril Eddie Usba (Quiz 2)
  5. M. Hilmi (Lab test)
  6. M. Zulhimi (Midterm)
  7. Ray Amos (Midterm)

Your can take the extra test at/on:-

Day/Date : Monday, 17 Dec 2012
Time : 0930-1100
Venue : B-01-18

Also, try to review the following definition/key terms:-
  1. Clock
  2. latch
  3. edge-triggered flip-flop
  4. Synchronous
  5. Register
  6. Settling time

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

EDE303/201209 - Lab 20%

Following are details on your lab project:

Day/date/time : Wed, 05/12/2012, 1400-1600
Venue             : Engineering Lab

Group 1
Adrian Gerald Lok
Azman Karman
Group 2
Ray Amos
Jason Librance

Group 3
Darren Clement
Mohd. Hisyam

Group 4
Darryn Hong

Group 5
Noreksan Gapar
Mohd. Zulhimi

Group 6
Khyril Eddie Usba
Mohd. Hilmi
Azade Sahibu

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

EDE124/201209 - Final Project Presentation

Details on your presentation:

Day/Date/time  : Friday, 14 Dec 2012, 1500-1700
Venue              : Engineering Lab
Time allocation : min15 min, max 30 min

Group A
M. Zulhilmi
Ray Amos

Group B

Do make sure your project has the following details:-

Folio (min 25 pg, max 40 pg)
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : System Overview
Chapter 3 : Goals and guidelines
Chapter 4 : Methodology
                 - Methods & techniques
                 - Flowchart
                 - Milestones, e.g:


Chapter 5 : Results
Chapter 6 : Discussion
                 - General constraints
                 - Successful results
Chapter 7 : Conclusion
                 - Future works

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Methodology
  3. Advantages/potential
  4. Students' details

Your final project will be justified based on the following grading rubric

EDE124/201209 - Lab Test 20%

Students are divided into two groups.

Group A
Adrian Gerald Lok
Azade Sahibu
Darryn Hong
Khyril Eddie Usba

Group B
Melvin Guading
Mohammad Ali Jamaha
Mohd. Hisyam
Muhammad Zulhimi
Ray Amos Ps Mojiniu
Following are details on your lab test:-

Day/Date : Friday, 7 Dec 2012
Time        : Group A (0915-1015), Group B (1030-1130)
Venue      : Engineering Lab
Please do revision on the given lab manual (Lab 1-8)

Try the following exercises:

  1. Program a simple Fahrenheit to Celsius (F2C) conversion by using M-File
  2. Program a simple Fahrenheit to Kelvin (F2K) conversion by using M-File
  3. Simulate F2C by using Matlab Simulink
  4. Simulate F2K by using Matlab Simulink

Do come on time. 
No extra time will be given for late comers (Maximum 1 hour).
No extra lab will be conducted for those that fail to attend.

EDE124/201209 - Incomplete Assessments

Figure below shows the status of your assessments. Only those students with valid excuse (MC letter / justification letter by parents) and good attendance record are allowed to redo the assessments.

Incomplete assessments

Extra assessments (15%)
You may gain extra 15 marks by participating in the upcoming Cosmopoint Short Program. Yo are required to demonstrate how Matlab Simulink can be used in modelling a problem. For instance, you can use the improved House Heat Model simulation.

Following are list of students that are allowed to participate and details of the program:-

Adrian Gerald Lok
Azade B. Sahibu

Venue: Cosmopoint KK2
Day/date/time: Tues, 11 Dec 2012, 9-12 PM