QUIZ1 (14/02/2012)
Section A: Chapter 1 (Introduction to Computer)
1. Define data and information. (Ch1, slide 5)
Data - Collection of unprocessed items. (e.g. text, numbers, images)
Information - Collection of data which has been processed into a meaningful form.
2. Five main components of a computer:- (Ch1, slide 10)
- Input device
- Output device
- System unit
- Storage
- Communication device
3. Three categories of system software:- (Ch1, slide 17)
- Operating system (e.g. Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows etc.)
- Utility Program (e.g. Disk defragmenter, Scandisk)
- Device driver (e.g. printer, mouse, webcam etc.)
Section B: Chapter 2 (PC Hardware - System Unit)
1. Define the following:- (Ch2, slides 9-11)
Machine cycle – Series of steps performed by the processor to execute instructions.
Registers – Small and high-speed storage area that temporarily holds data and instructions.
System clock – Control timings of all computer operations by generates regular electronic pulses, or ticks that set operating pace of components of system unit.
2. What are the two type of memories? (Ch2, slide 12)
- Volatile
- Non-volatile
3. Fill in the blanks. (Ch2, slide 8)
1. Data
2. Information
3. Interprets and executes instructions
4. Performs calculations on data
4. Define internal buses and external buses. (Ch2, slide 28)
Internal bus – Also known as system bus. Two types of internal buses: data bus and address buss.
External bus – Also known as expansion bus. It used to connect external devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer etc.
Data - Collection of unprocessed items. (e.g. text, numbers, images)
Information - Collection of data which has been processed into a meaningful form.
2. Five main components of a computer:- (Ch1, slide 10)
- Input device
- Output device
- System unit
- Storage
- Communication device
3. Three categories of system software:- (Ch1, slide 17)
- Operating system (e.g. Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows etc.)
- Utility Program (e.g. Disk defragmenter, Scandisk)
- Device driver (e.g. printer, mouse, webcam etc.)
Section B: Chapter 2 (PC Hardware - System Unit)
1. Define the following:- (Ch2, slides 9-11)
Machine cycle – Series of steps performed by the processor to execute instructions.
Registers – Small and high-speed storage area that temporarily holds data and instructions.
System clock – Control timings of all computer operations by generates regular electronic pulses, or ticks that set operating pace of components of system unit.
2. What are the two type of memories? (Ch2, slide 12)
- Volatile
- Non-volatile
3. Fill in the blanks. (Ch2, slide 8)
1. Data
2. Information
3. Interprets and executes instructions
4. Performs calculations on data
4. Define internal buses and external buses. (Ch2, slide 28)
Internal bus – Also known as system bus. Two types of internal buses: data bus and address buss.
External bus – Also known as expansion bus. It used to connect external devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer etc.